Welcome to the SEARCCH Hub

SEARCCH is a collaborative, community-driven platform for cybersecurity research artifact cataloguing that facilitates sharing and reuse. Artifacts that can be catalogued include tools, data, experiment methodologies and setups, publications, and the like.

SEARCCH builds and maintains a database of metadata about research artifacts that are housed in different places on the internet. It lowers the barrier for sharing these artifacts through automated submission assistant tools that process and extract metadata from artifacts stored in standard locations such as Github.

SEARCCH helps researchers to rapidly find relevant artifacts that will help with their own research by enabling searching over domain-specific keywords and other metadata. In addition to authors, license information, and keywords, SEARCCH also stores information about relationships between related artifacts, making it easier to find multiple artifacts associated with a particular research effort.

SEARCCH also facilitates a community around these artifacts. It allows researchers to share the location of their artifacts with the community and their experience with different artifacts.

For more information on SEARCCH, check out the project homepage.

To get started click CONTINUE.

SEARCCH is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Numbers 1925773, 1925616, 1925588, 1925564

Current Features

SEARCCH has five major functions. Four may be accessed using the left-hand navigation menu. A summary of each follows.

Search Artifacts. Users may perform keyword searches to find artifacts of interest.

Favorite artifacts. Users may click on the heart icon on an artifact to add it to a favorites list. Favorited artifacts are displayed on the Favorite Artifacts menu for quick recall.

Submit artifact. Users may submit their own artifacts to the SEARCCH catalog. Artifacts published on supported sites may be automatically processed by import assistant tools.

Manage Account. Users may add information about themselves such as their research interests and institution affiliation. They may also access the list of their own artifacts, artifacts they have rated, and their favorites.

The fifth function is reviewing artifacts. Users may provide reviews for an artifact when viewing it. Presently, reviews consist of a 1 to 5 star rating and a comment. Ratings and reviews are visible to the community and used by others to help them decide whether to invest their time in trying to use a specific artifact.

Please provide comments and report bugs using the SEND US FEEDBACK button at the bottom right hand side of the page.


  • The SEARCCH hub is community infrastructure supported by the National Science Foundation's CCRI and SATC programs. Visit the CCRI-VO website to discover other infrastructure supported by the CCRI program.